A cultural immersion in Jordan


8 Days



Min Age



Immerse yourself in the authentic culture of Jordan by venturing beyond the usual tourist paths and engaging with the local people themselves.

A Piece of Jordan aims to showcase the genuine essence of the country—a place where people of various faiths coexist harmoniously.Jordan welcomes visitors from all backgrounds, ensuring they feel a sense of belonging.

Renowned for its hospitality, Jordanian culture comes to life in our Jordanian Culture Tours, offering you the opportunity to step into the homes and hearts of the local community. In addition to exploring iconic sites like Petra, Wadi Rum, and Amman, you’ll have the chance to truly experience Jordanian culture. Sit down and share meals with local families, learn the art of preparing traditional breads or dishes, and view Jordan through the eyes of its residents.

The primary goal of our Jordanian Culture Tours is to foster cross-cultural exchange, knowledge-sharing, and the establishment of friendships that contribute to a more compassionate and understanding world. Jordan is a treasure trove of diverse experiences, and the provided itinerary is merely a glimpse of what we can customize for you. Options include homestays, cooking and craft workshops, hiking adventures, nature excursions, and more. Our aim is for you to explore your unique piece of Jordan according to your preferences. Reach out to us, and we’ll collaborate with you to create a personalized program tailored to your interests and schedule.

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Day 1: Start your holiday in Jordan by arriving in Jordans capital

Amman. After a long journey you our airport representative will be there to welcome you at the airport and assist you with your FREE VISA, after will escort you to your transportation to Amman.

Amman was originally built on 7 hills and as you enter the outskirts of the capital this terrain will allow you see the city for miles. Amman is a modern city, ever growing and rejuvenating, full of cafes, galleries and commerce it is a city that never sleeps. Let your guide show you some of Amman’s best eating spots to enjoy dinner and then head to your hotel for the night.


Day 2: After a relaxing breakfast,

After enjoying breakfast at your hotel in Amman, you’ll meet your guide for a day of exploration in the city. Despite Amman being perceived as a modern metropolis with high-rise developments, hidden among them are historical and cultural treasures waiting to be discovered. The downtown area of Amman, once encompassing the entire city, now stands as its historical core, offering a captivating starting point to unravel the layers of Jordan’s heritage.

Embark on your journey by ascending to Amman’s highest hill, situated 850 meters above sea level, where the Citadel awaits. Encircled by a 1700-meter-long wall, this ancient site provides breathtaking panoramic views of the city. Inhabited since the Bronze Age, the Citadel boasts notable attractions such as the Temple of Hercules and the Umayyad Palace.

Your Jordanian adventure continues to Amman’s Roman amphitheater, a second-century marvel with 6,000 seats, making it one of the city’s most iconic landmarks. Wander through downtown Amman, a vibrant area filled with bright colors, the lively calls of street vendors, and the ability to find virtually anything you desire. It’s a sensory-rich environment that captures the essence of the city.


Enjoy lunch in the area before heading to cobble stoned Rainbow Street, a much quieter district then downtown, the area is abundant with cafes and galleries. Here is the perfect opportunity to enjoy a traditional coffee or tea and dessert.

After a wonderful day in Amman, a short drive out of the city will find you in Dibeen, a beautiful forest and nature reserve in the north of Jordan, you will arrive at a local family house for dinner and spend the night in Dibeen.

Day 3: The house is the home of livestock.

After lunch take a short drive to Jaresh. Just outside of the modern city of Jaresh lies the ruins of the Greco-Roman settlement of Gerasa. The ancient city was founded by Alexander the Great in 331BC. After a strong earthquake destroyed the ancient city, it remained buried until its rediscovery in 1806.

Enjoy dinner at a restaurant before heading back to the farmhouse for a restful night sleep.


Day 4: After breakfast it is time to say goodbye to the family and make the journey down south to Petra.

You will have time to relax at your hotel before heading out to learn how to make shrak bread, a paper-thin bread used in many of Jordans most traditional meals.

After watching the skillfulness of your host, it will be time for you to give it a go. Sit down with your host and their family and enjoy dinner together with your freshly baked bread.


Day 5:  Today you will get to experience one of the new 7 wonders of the world.  

Enter Petra by the Siq and come face to face with al Khaznah (the Treasury).  A local guide is included for 2-3 hours and after you can continue to discover this impressive big site by yourself. a picnic lunch will be provided.

The afternoon will be yours to relax and explore the town. At night, dinner will be hosted by a local family.


Day 6:15 minuets drive from the town of Wadi Musa will bring you to Little Petra (Bedha) Here you will begin a morning hike via Petra’s back entrance.

A route off the beaten track leading to Petra’s Monastery, an awe-inspiring monument some 50 square metres in size. Stop to have glass of fresh fruit juice and take in the site before heading back down the mountain via a different route. leading you to the main entrance. Make your way to your hotel for the afternoon, rest, explore the town and enjoy dinner in the busy market place.


Day 7 Before leaving Petra you will have the choice to either hike or horse ride up to Al Hay. Situation just north of Petra, Al Hay is the location on an old village.

In the past these beautiful stone buildings were used by the people of Wadi Musa in the summer months as being higher up it isn’t as hot. When you reach Al Hay, enjoy a simple lunch with your host.

After lunch head further south to the what is known as the Valley of the Moon. Wadi Rum is Jordans largest valley and is a dessert with a sense of timelessness. Enjoy a 2-3 hrs. jeep tour of the area before heading to your campsite for dinner and a night under the stars.


Day 7: This morning you will head to the Dead Sea to enjoy a day floating & Farwell Dinner

on the last day of your Jordanian Culture Tour.


Day 8: Say goodbye to your guide and to Jordan – it is time to head home!

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